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Innermost Reads: The Sirtfood Diet

22nd June 2017

22nd June 2017

By Shivraj Bassi

Innermost’s crack team of nutritionists included a pharmacist, nutritional consultant and author of "The Sirtfood Diet" and "The Health Delusion" – The Medical Journalists' Association Health Book of the Year.

The Sirtfood Diet replaced the paleo and Dukan diet to become one of the most talked-about food trends. Hailed as the only eating plan which actively encourages red wine and chocolate, with a number of celebrity fans including Adele.

Sirt foods are foods that act as sirtuin activators within the body. Sirtuins are a type of protein which protects the cells in our bodies from dying or becoming inflamed, though research has also shown they can help regulate your metabolism, increase muscle and burn fat.

Some of the sportspeople and celebrities who preach the benefits of sirt foods include Sir Ben Ainslie, David Haye, Adele, Lorraine Pascale, Anthony Ogogo, Jodie Kidd, and so on. It's important to note that The Sirt Food Diet is grounded in nutrition and scientific research. So despite any misgiving of celebrity endorsements and athlete testimonials, it's hard not to look at this book as a genuine attempt to make sense of an increasingly confusing nutritional world that offers practical, nutritious and tasty solutions.

You’ll see lots of sirtfoods such as turmeric, blueberries, cocao, kelp, green tea and others across the Innermost product range, which is one of the reasons we believe our product are some of the most unique and effective on the market.

Innermost Rating: 10/10

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